
Westbury United Methodist Church held its first worship service…

on July 3, 1955 at Bellaire Community Center. The Texas Annual Conference planted our church at the edge of the city of Houston at the time. Over the past sixty years, our church has grown and changed with the city, and we constantly pursue our vision to be “a church for all people with more than enough love to go around.”

What guides our church today is our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of our community and world through God’s love as well as our values of multicultural inclusivity, grace, community, accountability, and transformation. Most recently, this led our Church Council to adopt a statement of inclusivity.

Westbury United Methodist Church is a church for all people. We believe the diverse mosaic of all God’s children reflects God’s image. Therefore, we welcome and affirm people of every age, economic status, level of education, faith history, race, ethnicity, immigration status, mental or physical ability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression into the life, ministry, and leadership of our local church. Our congregation seeks to mirror the diversity of the kingdom of God because it enriches our worship, our fellowship, and our understanding of God. We desire to grow in authentic relationships while learning from one another in sacred community and safe sanctuary—where in the bond of Christ, there is more than enough love to go around.


Come, join our family on this journey through life together!
