At Westbury UMC, we are committed to our neighbor and our community.
At this time, love means slowing the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and to do our part we are canceling all in-person events, groups, and worship services until further notice. We remain committed to our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ to transform our community and world through God’s love. We can still do that, it will just look a bit different.
Our Sunday worship services will be held online through our church Youtube channel. You can find a list of services through our Sermons page.
Staying Connected
We are organizing everyone into weekly check-in groups and urge you to fill-in our very quick check-in form.
Sing with a virtual choir! For information, send Pastor Bodie an e-mail.
We’ve collected information on small groups and resources for youth and families here.
Small Groups and Bible Study
Kindred Virtual Sunday School Class joins a diversity of people for faith enrichment, social consciousness, and sacred community for all people—LGBTQ+ Christians and their allies. Contact Pastor Bodie for meeting details.
Pathfinders Virtual Sunday School Class is made up of married and single adults. Lessons are discussion based around various topics including current events, book studies, bible studies, and more. Contact Mark Chatfield for meeting details.
Westbury Cafe is an opportunity for folks to virtually gather for fellowship and conversation every Sunday morning. What is bringing you joy this week? How can we be in prayer for you? Contact Katy Sabayrac for details.
Wednesday Night Online Bible Study on grief is lead by Pastor Danny each week from 7:30-8:30pm. The group can be accessed through a web browser on Google Meet. Contact Pastor Danny for details.
“The Way of the Heart” Book Study led by Rev. Jerry Webber and Katy Sabayrac will explore the teachings of the Desert Fathers and Mothers through Henri Nouwen's writings and supplemental materials. How do we find a spiritual path away from the noise and chaos of modern life toward a life centered in God? Copies of the book will be available in the church office for $12 or can be purchased online. Tuesday Evenings at 7PM on July 14 & 28 and August 11& 25.
Westbury Conversations
Pastor Danny talks with Westbury UMC members who are experts in their fields. These conversations offer insight and a faith perspective on important topics including managing anxiety, educating children at home, and creating domestic peace.
Nothing can ever stop us from praying for each other. If you have a prayer request, share on this form.
Ground your life in Daily Prayer via Zoom — each morning and evening, we "gather" with St. Mark’s UMC via Zoom video call for a 15 minute service of prayer. Join us any time using the links and prayer books below!
Morning Prayer
Monday-Saturday at 8AM
Meeting ID: 350 208 557
Evening Prayer
Monday-Sunday at 8PM
Meeting ID: 642 159 900
Prayer Book for Morning & Evening Prayer
We need your help! Right now, volunteering consists of keeping in touch with members who have little to no internet access. As things develop, we may need volunteers to help pick up and delivery various supplies to any members who are unable to leave their homes. Sign up now to help out!